Welcome to Uncertain Destinies, and to Stillwater, Minnesota.
I thought we would start taking a look at each book. With things heating up across social media, now seemed like the perfect opportunity. That, and well, the holidays are right around the corner. Which means, maybe you’ll want to get your best friends hooked on this incredible journey.
The first book is the introduction to the series, its location, and the main characters. Of course, there is a plot which helps readers to begin to understand who is who and what their personality may be like moving forward.
The story moves at a swift pace bringing the reader into the world which has been created. The twists and turns keep you guessing, and possibly shaking your head. A tragic event at the end of the book will begin a future story destinied to change the series. But, before you get there, you will be left with the series first cliffhangers. All of them designed to keep you wanting more, and coming back to find out what will happen next.

“With things heating up across social media, now seems like the perfect opportunity.”