I know I missed a week in between blogs but it has been pretty busy with Uncertain Destinies. Coming up on the launch of the sixth book in the series is very exciting, but as you all prepare for the next exciting chapter I’m already looking ahead. But, that’s another blog.
I asked for some questions from you all, I didn’t get a lot but enhancing my interactions is a priority, so maybe as I do a few Q&A’s everyone will feel more comfortable. So, here goes the first couple.

First, from Wendy, all the way from England.
How many hours a day do you write?
Great question. When I was writing Uncertain Destinies the time each day I spent writing varied on what else I had to do. But, I used to write something every day, and most days I would write a few scenes which equated into a couple of hours. Now, I spend my time editing the books ahead of my editors and then after they have finished. I currently spend approximately 12-15 hours a week on editing. (sometimes longer)
Next, from Lisa, right here in Minnesota.
Does your family support your writing career?
I might get in trouble with this one, ha! I am not a full-time writer, although I would love to be. I have a regular job as well that I enjoy for the most part. I would love to do nothing but write, but at the moment that might definitely make my family not want to support me. I make money on Uncertain Destinies, but not enough right now to stop everything else.
Interesting about this question is that my family has not read Uncertain Destinies. I think perhaps they might have started and stopped, maybe they weren’t into it, I don’t know. I have a difficult time asking what they think, I suppose I don’t really want to know. I write because I love it, I have a story to tell. I tell it. I have always known and said Uncertain Destinies is not for everyone and that is alright. However, I know I have a large fan base, and I will keep going.