Welcome back to Uncertain Destinies, and to Stillwater, Minnesota.
Today the fifth book in the Uncertain Destinies series found its way to release across the globe. The book is dark, different, and opens the door to so many new and wonderful things. However, the road to get here today would never have been possible without the help, and encouragement, of so many people.
Back at the beginning of the year, I was full steam ahead with my plans to release the sixth book in the Uncertain Destinies series, but after an interview pertaining to the series, and a growing popularity, I had to put the brakes on and take a look at what was already out for people to purchase. Was it my best work that would be showcased across a globe? The answer, absolutely not.
Knowing my eyes had been the reader for so many years, over and over again, any and all errors were missed because I had become word-blind to my own material. I knew as the series was gaining momentum I needed to ensure things were proper inside the cover. And, with that, all five books were pulled from their availability, and the search was on for a creative editorial team, to get the quality in place.

“I have to take a moment to give the largest THANK YOU to my amazing team who have dedicated their time and efforts to helping make Uncertain Destinies a success.”
With my team in place the editing process began, and slowly the series has relaunched a book at a time over the last eight months. I have never been more confident and comfortable promoting Uncertain Destinies than I am right now on this day. Whether you like it, love it, hate it, or are somewhere in between, I know at least the quality is there and you won’t
I have to take a moment to give the largest THANK YOU to my amazing team who have dedicated their time and efforts to helping make Uncertain Destinies a success. I could never have released the series again without the help of the most amazing ladies, Stephanie Miks, Erica Casey and Cynthia Sowden. I absolutely love you to pieces for all your advice, suggestions, discussions, and most of all your support and enjoyment of the series as we have progressed through to this moment. There is still so much ahead, and I hope and pray you will stick with me until the very end. I cannot imagine moving forward without you.
And fans, I promise you, the best is still to come.