The book that truly turned Uncertain Destinies into a force to be reckoned with.
When Path of Vengeance begins there is a completely different feel to it than the two books that came before it. The foundation had now been laid, the walls were up and by the time you reach the explosive cliffhanger in 502 pages you’ll be left wondering what the hell just happened?
Adark secret from the past opens the door to the arrival of new characters. Individuals who are anything other than a pleasant new addition. You quickly find yourself involved in a dangerous battle of family drama. A fight to retain control of what is the rightful inheritance of some, and the demon wrestling of those who are filled with resentment and self-entitlement.
The fun and games, or more light hearted spirit of the series, is replaced by a dark undertone of those in a desperate power play to simply remain alive and in control of what they have built to this point. And when one of their own is killed as a direct result of one woman’s arrival, it sets the stage for the series most explosive cliffhanger to date.

“When Path of Vengeance begins there is a completely different feel to it than the two books that came before it.”
There is no denying Path of Vengeance is a different book that Will the Circle Be Broken? and Desperate Measures, but that was done by design. It is the book that turns the series on its head with an almost traumatic to the reader style of tale. Path of Vengeance pushes the series into a place of darkness. It introduces you to new characters, and it also takes away some you have fallen in love with. And just when you think they can’t lose anything else, they come together to face their darkest hour. A moment in the series that forever alters their lives, sending those that survive on the most emotional, and life changing, journeys.