The question is posed often. Should a book end with a cliffhanger?
As an author, and someone who generally reads a great deal, I believe the answer is, yes, no, maybe so. Wasn’t that helpful? In all seriousness, I think it can be all of the above. Let me take a moment to explain, at least from this author’s point of view.
Ibelieve that a stand-alone book should more than likely have an ending, however, that is not to say it cannot end with a cliffhanger, or in such a way as to allow the reader to entertain his/her own thoughts as to how the story unfolded. I do feel that in this situation, where the book is a standalone title, that most readers are expecting and ending after investing time into the book and its characters. Herein lies where the no and maybe come in to play. I have read books that have an ending and that don’t. With my imagination I am sometimes left wanting more, but can think of the end on my own if necessary.

“Uncertain Destinies has some of the BEST cliffhangers. So I have been told.”
Uncertain Destinies is a series. I make no mistake in explaining that and calling it out wherever possible. So, the art of leaving readers with a cliffhanger in places is by design. No one will ever be angry they didn’t know there would be a cliffhanger ending, but they may get angry at the cliffhanger, and the fact they might have to find some patience until the particular situation gets resolved. Part of my joy in writing Uncertain Destinies was writing the cliffhangers. Leaving a favorite character in the path of some perilous situation, or with the emotional turmoil no one should ever have to deal with. That’s always been part of the fun. I have always loved a good cliffhanger, so in writing trying to come up with them was so exciting. I will say this, Uncertain Destinies has some of the BEST clifhangers. So I have been told. But, I promise you all things get resolved always. I’ll never leave a thread undone.
So, what are you waiting for? Start reading and see for yourself. I’d love to hear from you.